Learning Objectives
A 30 minute guide to UAVSAR data for SnowEX
overview of UAVSAR data (both InSAR and PolSAR products)
demonstrate how to access and transform data
use Python rasterio and matplotlib to display the data
Intro slide deck:
Lead developer: Jack Tarricone, University of Nevada Reno, Other developers: Franz Meyer, University of Alaska Fairbanks and HP Marshall, Boise State University
# import libraries
import os # for chdir, getcwd, path.basename, path.exists
import hvplot.xarray
import pandas as pd # for DatetimeIndex
import rioxarray
import numpy as np #for log10, mean, percentile, power
import rasterio as rio
from rasterio.plot import show # plotting raster data
from rasterio.plot import show_hist #histograms of raster data
import glob # for listing files in tiff conversion function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for add_subplot, axis, figure, imshow, legend, plot, set_axis_off, set_data,
# set_title, set_xlabel, set_ylabel, set_ylim, subplots, title, twinx