Geospatial fundamentals

These are short tutorials on geospatial data analysis using the Python programming language. There are a lot of resources you’ll find on the web, so we’ll focus here on some topics relevant to SnowEx.

The two primary types of geospatial data are raster and vector data:

  • Vector data structures that represent features (points, lines, polygons) on the Earth’s surface and attributes of those features.

  • Raster data is stored as a grid of values which are rendered on a map as pixels. Each pixel value represents some property (e.g., elevation, temperature) for an area on the Earth’s surface.

In addition to the notebooks we’ve put together, check out these great resources:

We also have included a geospatial ‘cookbook’ with a few code examples for common operations that combine raster and vector data such as sampling rasters at points, clipping by polygons, etc. It is not rendered on the website as a tutorial, but you can view a rendered version in our website repository, by following this link