

Alaska satellite facility. NASA distributed active archive center (DAAC) specializing in radar products.


A free, public service for running reproducible interactive computing environments. Binder is a 100% open source infrastructure that is run by members of the Jupyter community. The underlying technology behind the Binder project is BinderHub.


The underlying technology of, BinderHub is an open source tool that utilizes a JupyterHub`= in order to provide live, reproducible interactive computing environments that users define on GitHub.


Package, dependency and environment management for any language—Python, R, Ruby, Lua, Scala, Java, JavaScript, C/ C++, FORTRAN, and more.


Docker provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container. It is widely used for creating reproducible software environments to run code on different computers.


A popular version control system that is used in many open source software projects to manage their software code base.


Provider of Internet hosting for software development and distributed version control using the “git” command line tool.


Common real-valued SAR amplitude product (“Ground Range Detected”)


Participant-driven events that strive to create welcoming spaces to learn new things, build community and gain hands-on experience with collaboration and team science.


Method to create relative phase change maps or “interferograms” from two synthetic aperture radar acquisitions. (“Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar”)

Project Jupyter

Project Jupyter (name derived from “JUlia PYThon and R”) exists to develop open-source software, open-standards, and services for interactive computing across dozens of programming languages.


Jupyter Book is an open source project for building beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational material.


A core open source tool from the Jupyter community, JupyterHub allows you to deploy an application that provides remote data science environments to multiple users. It can be deployed in the cloud, or on your own hardware.


JupyterLab is the next-generation web-based user interface for Project Jupyter intended to replace the JupyterNotebook interface.


open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text.


When two SAR acquisitions of the same location are acquired at different times. (“Repeat Pass Interferometry”)


5-year NASA funded effort to address the most important gaps in our snow remote sensing knowledge, and thus lay the groundwork for a future snow satellite mission.


A communication platform that we use to share information. We use separate channels for each project and also rely on the video features. If possible we recommend downloading the Slack app. If your agency does not allow you to use the app, you can still interface with Slack in a web browser.


Common complex-valued SAR amplitude and phase product (“Single Look Complex”)


Liquid water content of snow pack (“Snow Water Equivalent”)


Airborn L-band InSAR platform (“Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar”)