
Dynamic Query of SNOTEL data

SnowEx Hackweek
July 13, 2021

Author: David Shean


This tutorial will demonstrate a subset of basic concepts of geospatial data processing and analysis using data from the SNOTEL sensor network. We will demonstrate dynamic query of a public API to fetch point location data, review coordinate system transformations with GeoPandas, Geometry objects, and Pandas time series analysis/visualization.

Read a bit about SNOTEL data for the Western U.S.

This is actually a nice web interface, with some advanced querying and interactive visualization. You can also download formatted ASCII files (csv) for analysis. This is great for one-time projects, but it’s nice to have reproducible code that can be updated as new data appear, without manual steps. That’s what we’re going to do here.

Sample plots for SNOTEL site at Paradise, WA (south side of Mt. Rainier)

CUAHSI WOF server and automated Python data queries

We are going to use a server set up by CUAHSI to serve the SNOTEL data, using a standardized database storage format and query structure. You don’t need to worry about this, but can quickly review the following:

#This is the latest CUAHSI API endpoint
wsdlurl = ''

Acronym soup

  • SNOTEL = Snow Telemetry

  • CUAHSI = Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc

  • WOF = WaterOneFlow

  • WSDL = Web Services Description Language

  • USDA = United States Department of Agriculture

  • NRCS = National Resources Conservation Service

  • AWDB = Air-Water Database

Python options

There are a few packages out there that offer convenience functions to query the online SNOTEL databases and unpack the results.

You can also write your own queries using the Python requests module and some built-in XML parsing libraries.

Hopefully not overwhelming amount of information - let’s just go with ulmo for now. I’ve done most of the work to prepare functions for querying and processing the data. Once you wrap your head around all of the acronyms, it’s pretty simple, basically running a few functions here:

We will use ulmo with daily data for this exercise, but please feel free to experiment with hourly data, other variables or other approaches to fetch SNOTEL data.

import os
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point
import contextily as ctx
import ulmo

Part 1: Spatial Query SNOTEL sites

  • Use the ulmo cuahsi interface and the get_sites function to fetch available site metadata from server

  • This will return a Python dictionary

sites = ulmo.cuahsi.wof.get_sites(wsdlurl)
#Preview first item in dictionary
 {'code': '301_CA_SNTL',
  'name': 'Adin Mtn',
  'network': 'SNOTEL',
  'location': {'latitude': '41.2358283996582',
   'longitude': '-120.79192352294922'},
  'elevation_m': '1886.7120361328125',
  'site_property': {'county': 'Modoc',
   'state': 'California',
   'site_comments': 'beginDate=10/1/1983 12:00:00 AM|endDate=1/1/2100 12:00:00 AM|HUC=180200021403|HUD=18020002|TimeZone=-8.0|actonId=20H13S|shefId=ADMC1|stationTriplet=301:CA:SNTL|isActive=True',
   'pos_accuracy_m': '0'}})

Store the dictionary as a Pandas DataFrame called sites_df

  • See the Pandas from_dict function

  • Use orient option so the sites comprise the DataFrame index, with columns for ‘name’, ‘elevation_m’, etc

  • Use the dropna method to remove any empty records

sites_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sites, orient='index').dropna()
code name network location elevation_m site_property
SNOTEL:301_CA_SNTL 301_CA_SNTL Adin Mtn SNOTEL {'latitude': '41.2358283996582', 'longitude': ... 1886.7120361328125 {'county': 'Modoc', 'state': 'California', 'si...
SNOTEL:907_UT_SNTL 907_UT_SNTL Agua Canyon SNOTEL {'latitude': '37.522171020507813', 'longitude'... 2712.719970703125 {'county': 'Kane', 'state': 'Utah', 'site_comm...
SNOTEL:916_MT_SNTL 916_MT_SNTL Albro Lake SNOTEL {'latitude': '45.59722900390625', 'longitude':... 2529.840087890625 {'county': 'Madison', 'state': 'Montana', 'sit...
SNOTEL:1267_AK_SNTL 1267_AK_SNTL Alexander Lake SNOTEL {'latitude': '61.749668121337891', 'longitude'... 48.768001556396484 {'county': 'Matanuska-Susitna', 'state': 'Alas...
SNOTEL:908_WA_SNTL 908_WA_SNTL Alpine Meadows SNOTEL {'latitude': '47.779571533203125', 'longitude'... 1066.800048828125 {'county': 'King', 'state': 'Washington', 'sit...

Clean up the DataFrame and prepare Point geometry objects

  • Convert 'location' column (contains dictionary with 'latitude' and 'longitude' values) to Shapely Point objects

  • Store as a new 'geometry' column (needed by GeoPandas)

  • Drop the 'location' column, as this is no longer needed

  • Update the dtype of the 'elevation_m' column to float

sites_df['geometry'] = [Point(float(loc['longitude']), float(loc['latitude'])) for loc in sites_df['location']]
sites_df = sites_df.drop(columns='location')
sites_df = sites_df.astype({"elevation_m":float})

Review output

  • Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the DataFrame structure and different columns.

  • Note that the index is a set of strings with format ‘SNOTEL:1000_OR_SNTL’

  • Extract the first record with loc

    • Review the 'site_property' dictionary - could parse this and store as separate fields in the DataFrame if desired

code name network elevation_m site_property geometry
SNOTEL:301_CA_SNTL 301_CA_SNTL Adin Mtn SNOTEL 1886.712036 {'county': 'Modoc', 'state': 'California', 'si... POINT (-120.7919235229492 41.2358283996582)
SNOTEL:907_UT_SNTL 907_UT_SNTL Agua Canyon SNOTEL 2712.719971 {'county': 'Kane', 'state': 'Utah', 'site_comm... POINT (-112.2711791992188 37.52217102050781)
SNOTEL:916_MT_SNTL 916_MT_SNTL Albro Lake SNOTEL 2529.840088 {'county': 'Madison', 'state': 'Montana', 'sit... POINT (-111.9590225219727 45.59722900390625)
SNOTEL:1267_AK_SNTL 1267_AK_SNTL Alexander Lake SNOTEL 48.768002 {'county': 'Matanuska-Susitna', 'state': 'Alas... POINT (-150.8896636962891 61.74966812133789)
SNOTEL:908_WA_SNTL 908_WA_SNTL Alpine Meadows SNOTEL 1066.800049 {'county': 'King', 'state': 'Washington', 'sit... POINT (-121.6984710693359 47.77957153320312)
code                                                   301_CA_SNTL
name                                                      Adin Mtn
network                                                     SNOTEL
elevation_m                                            1886.712036
site_property    {'county': 'Modoc', 'state': 'California', 'si...
geometry               POINT (-120.7919235229492 41.2358283996582)
Name: SNOTEL:301_CA_SNTL, dtype: object
{'county': 'Modoc',
 'state': 'California',
 'site_comments': 'beginDate=10/1/1983 12:00:00 AM|endDate=1/1/2100 12:00:00 AM|HUC=180200021403|HUD=18020002|TimeZone=-8.0|actonId=20H13S|shefId=ADMC1|stationTriplet=301:CA:SNTL|isActive=True',
 'pos_accuracy_m': '0'}

Convert to a Geopandas GeoDataFrame

  • We already have 'geometry' column, but still need to define the crs of the point coordinates

  • Note the number of records

sites_gdf_all = gpd.GeoDataFrame(sites_df, crs='EPSG:4326')
code name network elevation_m site_property geometry
SNOTEL:301_CA_SNTL 301_CA_SNTL Adin Mtn SNOTEL 1886.712036 {'county': 'Modoc', 'state': 'California', 'si... POINT (-120.79192 41.23583)
SNOTEL:907_UT_SNTL 907_UT_SNTL Agua Canyon SNOTEL 2712.719971 {'county': 'Kane', 'state': 'Utah', 'site_comm... POINT (-112.27118 37.52217)
SNOTEL:916_MT_SNTL 916_MT_SNTL Albro Lake SNOTEL 2529.840088 {'county': 'Madison', 'state': 'Montana', 'sit... POINT (-111.95902 45.59723)
SNOTEL:1267_AK_SNTL 1267_AK_SNTL Alexander Lake SNOTEL 48.768002 {'county': 'Matanuska-Susitna', 'state': 'Alas... POINT (-150.88966 61.74967)
SNOTEL:908_WA_SNTL 908_WA_SNTL Alpine Meadows SNOTEL 1066.800049 {'county': 'King', 'state': 'Washington', 'sit... POINT (-121.69847 47.77957)
(930, 6)

Create a scatterplot showing elevation values for all sites

#geojson of state polygons
states_url = ''
states_gdf = gpd.read_file(states_url)
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
sites_gdf_all.plot(ax=ax, column='elevation_m', markersize=3, cmap='inferno', legend=True, legend_kwds={'label': "Elevation (m)"})
#This prevents matplotlib from updating the axes extent (states polygons cover larger area than SNOTEL points)
states_gdf.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k', alpha=0.3);

Exclude the Alaska (AK) points to isolate points over Western U.S.

  • Simple appraoch is to remove points where the site name contains ‘AK’ with attribute filter

  • Note the number of records

sites_gdf_conus = sites_gdf_all[~(sites_gdf_all.index.str.contains('AK'))]
  • Alternatively, can use a spatial filter (see GeoPandas cx indexer functionality for a bounding box)

#xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = [-126, 102, 30, 50]
#sites_gdf_conus =[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax]
(865, 6)

Update your scatterplot as sanity check

  • Should look something like the Western U.S.

f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
sites_gdf_conus.plot(ax=ax, column='elevation_m', markersize=3, cmap='inferno', legend=True, legend_kwds={'label': "Elevation (m)"})
states_gdf.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k', alpha=0.3);

Export SNOTEL site GeoDataFrame as a geojson

  • Maybe useful for other purposes, and can avoid all of the above processing, just load directly with geopandas read_file

sites_fn = 'snotel_conus_sites.json'
if not os.path.exists(sites_fn):
    sites_gdf_conus.to_file(sites_fn, driver='GeoJSON')

Part 2: Spatial filter points by polygon

Load Grand Mesa Polygon

gm_poly_fn = 'grand_mesa_poly.geojson'
gm_poly_gdf = gpd.read_file(gm_poly_fn)

A quick aside on geometry objects

Vector data contain geometry objects

Geometry types Image Source: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), from

Isolate Polygon geometry within GeoDataFrame

0 POLYGON ((-108.31168 39.13758, -108.34116 39.0...
array([-108.34115668,   38.82320553, -107.72839859,   39.19563035])
gm_poly_gdf.iloc[0] #Now a GeoSeries
geometry    POLYGON ((-108.31168 39.13758, -108.34116 39.0...
Name: 0, dtype: geometry
gm_poly_geom = gm_poly_gdf.iloc[0].geometry
POLYGON ((-108.3116825655377 39.13757646212944, -108.3411566832522 39.03758987613325, -108.2878686387796 38.89051431295789, -108.2077296878005 38.8232055291981, -108.0746016431103 38.8475137825863, -107.9856051049498 38.9439912011017, -107.7283985875575 39.01510930230633, -107.7872414249099 39.19563034965999, -108.0493948009875 39.13950466335424, -108.1728700097086 39.15920066396116, -108.3116825655377 39.13757646212944))
[(-108.31168256553767, 39.13757646212944),
 (-108.34115668325224, 39.03758987613325),
 (-108.2878686387796, 38.89051431295789),
 (-108.20772968780051, 38.8232055291981),
 (-108.07460164311031, 38.8475137825863),
 (-107.98560510494981, 38.9439912011017),
 (-107.72839858755752, 39.01510930230633),
 (-107.78724142490994, 39.195630349659986),
 (-108.04939480098754, 39.139504663354245),
 (-108.17287000970857, 39.15920066396116),
 (-108.31168256553767, 39.13757646212944)]

Generate boolean index for points that intersect the polygon

  • This will return a new GeoDataSeries with True/False values for each record

idx = sites_gdf_all.intersects(gm_poly_geom)
SNOTEL:301_CA_SNTL     False
SNOTEL:907_UT_SNTL     False
SNOTEL:916_MT_SNTL     False
SNOTEL:1267_AK_SNTL    False
SNOTEL:908_WA_SNTL     False
dtype: bool
False    928
True       2
dtype: int64

Use fancy indexing to isolate points and return new GeoDataFrame

gm_snotel_sites = sites_gdf_all.loc[idx]
code name network elevation_m site_property geometry
SNOTEL:622_CO_SNTL 622_CO_SNTL Mesa Lakes SNOTEL 3048.000000 {'county': 'Mesa', 'state': 'Colorado', 'site_... POINT (-108.05835 39.05831)
SNOTEL:682_CO_SNTL 682_CO_SNTL Park Reservoir SNOTEL 3035.808105 {'county': 'Delta', 'state': 'Colorado', 'site... POINT (-107.87414 39.04644)

Quick plot

f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
gm_snotel_sites.plot(ax=ax, column='elevation_m', markersize=20, edgecolor='k', cmap='inferno', \
                  legend=True, legend_kwds={'label':'Elevation (m)'})
#ctx.add_basemap(ax=ax,, source=ctx.providers.Stamen.Terrain)
ax.set_title('Grand Mesa SNOTEL Stations');
import hvplot.pandas
from geoviews import tile_sources as gvts
gm_snotel_sites.hvplot(hover_cols=['index','name']) * gm_poly_gdf.to_crs('none')

Add a basemap

This functionality will add a publicly available tiled basemap to your interactive holoviews plot, which is useful for context during interactive visualization.

Note that we need to reproject our GeoDataframe to match the CRS of the tiled basemap here.

For static plots with matplotlib (e.g., for publication) can also use contextily for this

map_tiles = gvts.EsriImagery
map_tiles * gm_snotel_sites.to_crs('EPSG:3857').hvplot(hover_cols=['index','name']) * \

Part 3: Time series analysis for one station

Now that we’ve identified sites of interest, let’s query the API to obtain the time series data for variables of interest (snow!).

sitecode = gm_snotel_sites.index[-1]

Get available measurements for this site

Note that there are many standard meteorological variables that can be downloaded for this site, in addition to the snow depth and snow water equivalent.

ulmo.cuahsi.wof.get_site_info(wsdlurl, sitecode)['series'].keys()
  • _H = “hourly”

  • _D = “daily”

  • _sm, _m = “monthly”

Let’s consider the ‘SNOTEL:SNWD_D’ variable (Daily Snow Depth)

  • Assign ‘SNOTEL:SNWD_D’ to a variable named variablecode

  • Get some information about the variable using get_variable_info method

    • Note the units, nodata value, etc.

  • Note: The snow depth records are almost always shorter/noisier than the SWE records for SNOTEL sites

#Daily SWE
#variablecode = 'SNOTEL:WTEQ_D'
#Daily snow depth
variablecode = 'SNOTEL:SNWD_D'
#Hourly SWE
#variablecode = 'SNOTEL:WTEQ_H'
#Hourly snow depth
#variablecode = 'SNOTEL:SNWD_H'
ulmo.cuahsi.wof.get_variable_info(wsdlurl, variablecode)
{'value_type': 'Field Observation',
 'data_type': 'Continuous',
 'general_category': 'Soil',
 'sample_medium': 'Snow',
 'no_data_value': '-9999',
 'speciation': 'Not Applicable',
 'code': 'SNWD_D',
 'id': '176',
 'name': 'Snow depth',
 'vocabulary': 'SNOTEL',
 'time': {'is_regular': True,
  'interval': '1',
  'units': {'abbreviation': 'd',
   'code': '104',
   'name': 'day',
   'type': 'Time'}},
 'units': {'abbreviation': 'in',
  'code': '49',
  'name': 'international inch',
  'type': 'Length'}}

Define a function to fetch data

  • I’ve done this for you, but please review the comments and steps to see what is going on under the hood

  • You’ll probably have to do similar data wrangling for another project at some point in the future

#Get current datetime
today ='%Y-%m-%d')

def snotel_fetch(sitecode, variablecode='SNOTEL:SNWD_D', start_date='1950-10-01', end_date=today):
    #print(sitecode, variablecode, start_date, end_date)
    values_df = None
        #Request data from the server
        site_values = ulmo.cuahsi.wof.get_values(wsdlurl, sitecode, variablecode, start=start_date, end=end_date)
        #Convert to a Pandas DataFrame   
        values_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(site_values['values'])
        #Parse the datetime values to Pandas Timestamp objects
        values_df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(values_df['datetime'], utc=True)
        #Set the DataFrame index to the Timestamps
        values_df = values_df.set_index('datetime')
        #Convert values to float and replace -9999 nodata values with NaN
        values_df['value'] = pd.to_numeric(values_df['value']).replace(-9999, np.nan)
        #Remove any records flagged with lower quality
        values_df = values_df[values_df['quality_control_level_code'] == '1']
        print("Unable to fetch %s" % variablecode)

    return values_df

Use this function to get the full ‘SNOTEL:SNWD_D’ record for one station

  • Inspect the results

  • We used a dummy start date of Jan 1, 1950. What is the actual the first date returned?

#Get all records, can filter later
start_date = datetime(1950,1,1)
end_date =
values_df = snotel_fetch(sitecode, variablecode, start_date, end_date)
(8980, 8)
value qualifiers censor_code date_time_utc method_id method_code source_code quality_control_level_code
1997-03-21 00:00:00+00:00 71.0 V nc 1997-03-21T00:00:00 0 0 1 1
1997-03-22 00:00:00+00:00 70.0 V nc 1997-03-22T00:00:00 0 0 1 1
1997-03-23 00:00:00+00:00 69.0 V nc 1997-03-23T00:00:00 0 0 1 1
1997-03-24 00:00:00+00:00 68.0 V nc 1997-03-24T00:00:00 0 0 1 1
1997-03-25 00:00:00+00:00 68.0 V nc 1997-03-25T00:00:00 0 0 1 1
#Get number of decimal years between first and last observation
nyears = (values_df.index.max() - values_df.index.min()).days/365.25

Create a quick plot to view the time series

  • Take a moment to inspect the value column, which is where the SNWD_D values are stored

  • Sanity check thought question: What are the units again?


Compute the integer day of year (doy) and integer day of water year (dowy)

#Add DOY and DOWY column
#Need to revisit for leap year support
def add_dowy(df, col=None):
    if col is None:
        df['doy'] = df.index.dayofyear
        df['doy'] = df[col].dayofyear
    # Sept 30 is doy 273
    df['dowy'] = df['doy'] - 273
    df.loc[df['dowy'] <= 0, 'dowy'] += 365

Compute statistics for each day of the water year, using values from all years

  • Seems like a Pandas groupby/agg might work here

  • Stats should at least include min, max, mean, and median

stat_list = ['count','min','max','mean','std','median','mad']
doy_stats = values_df.groupby('dowy').agg(stat_list)['value']
count min max mean std median mad
1 21 0.0 1.0 0.095238 0.300793 0.0 0.172336
2 21 0.0 3.0 0.285714 0.783764 0.0 0.489796
3 21 0.0 6.0 0.714286 1.454058 0.0 0.952381
4 21 0.0 10.0 0.952381 2.459191 0.0 1.360544
5 21 0.0 7.0 0.761905 1.700140 0.0 1.015873
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
361 20 0.0 4.0 0.400000 0.994723 0.0 0.640000
362 20 0.0 2.0 0.200000 0.523148 0.0 0.340000
363 20 0.0 2.0 0.200000 0.523148 0.0 0.340000
364 20 0.0 2.0 0.200000 0.523148 0.0 0.340000
365 20 0.0 1.0 0.050000 0.223607 0.0 0.095000

365 rows × 7 columns

Create a plot of these aggregated dowy values

f,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))

for stat in ['min','max','mean','median']:
    ax.plot(doy_stats.index, doy_stats[stat], label=stat)

ax.fill_between(doy_stats.index, doy_stats['mean'] - doy_stats['std'], doy_stats['mean'] + doy_stats['std'], \
                color='lightgrey', label='1-std')

title = f'{sitecode}: \n{values_df.index.min().date()} to {values_df.index.max().date()} ({nyears:.2f} years)'

ax.set_xlabel('Day of Water Year (Oct 1)')
ax.set_ylabel('Snow depth (in)')

Add the daily snow depth values for the current water year

  • Can use pandas indexing here with simple strings (‘YYYY-MM-DD’), or Timestamp objects

    • Standard slicing also works with :

  • Make sure to dropna to remove any records missing data

  • Add this to your plot

#Define variable to store current year
curr_y =
#df_wy = values_df.loc['2019-10-1':].dropna()
df_wy = values_df.loc[f'{curr_y-1}-10-1':].dropna()
f,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
for stat in ['min','max','mean','median']:
    ax.plot(doy_stats.index, doy_stats[stat], label=stat)

ax.fill_between(doy_stats.index, doy_stats['mean'] - doy_stats['std'], doy_stats['mean'] + doy_stats['std'], \
                color='lightgrey', label='1-std')

ax.set_xlabel('Day of Water Year')
ax.set_ylabel('Snow depth (in)')
ax.plot(df_wy['dowy'], df_wy['value'], marker='.', color='k', ls='none', label='Current WY')

What was the percentage of “normal” snow depth on April 1 of this year?

  • Can use long-term median for this dowy

value                                        67.0
qualifiers                                      V
censor_code                                    nc
date_time_utc                 2021-04-01T00:00:00
method_id                                       0
method_code                                     0
source_code                                     1
quality_control_level_code                      1
doy                                            91
dowy                                          183
Name: 2021-04-01 00:00:00+00:00, dtype: object
apr1_doy = df_wy.loc[f'{curr_y}-4-1']['dowy']
count      24.000000
min        42.000000
max       127.000000
mean       68.291667
std        18.892094
median     68.000000
mad        13.375000
Name: 183, dtype: float64
#Percent of normal
perc_normal = 100 * df_wy.loc[f'{curr_y}-4-1']['value']/doy_stats.loc[apr1_doy]['median']
print(f'{perc_normal:0.2f}% percent of normal snow depth on DOWY {apr1_doy} in {curr_y}')
98.53% percent of normal snow depth on DOWY 183 in 2021

Index DataFrame by date or date range

  • Maybe useful for project work

dt1 = '2017-2-1'
dt2 = '2017-2-4'
#Single date
value                                        77.0
qualifiers                                      V
censor_code                                    nc
date_time_utc                 2017-02-01T00:00:00
method_id                                       0
method_code                                     0
source_code                                     1
quality_control_level_code                      1
doy                                            32
dowy                                          124
Name: 2017-02-01 00:00:00+00:00, dtype: object
value qualifiers censor_code date_time_utc method_id method_code source_code quality_control_level_code doy dowy
2017-02-01 00:00:00+00:00 77.0 V nc 2017-02-01T00:00:00 0 0 1 1 32 124
2017-02-02 00:00:00+00:00 76.0 V nc 2017-02-02T00:00:00 0 0 1 1 33 125
2017-02-03 00:00:00+00:00 76.0 V nc 2017-02-03T00:00:00 0 0 1 1 34 126
2017-02-04 00:00:00+00:00 75.0 V nc 2017-02-04T00:00:00 0 0 1 1 35 127

Query multiple sites

  • Can use a loop to query multiple sites and/or variables

#Define an empty dictionary to store returns for each site
value_dict = {}
for i, sitecode in enumerate(gm_snotel_sites.index):
    print('%i of %i sites: %s' % (i+1, len(gm_snotel_sites.index), sitecode))
    out = snotel_fetch(sitecode, variablecode)
    if out is not None:
        value_dict[sitecode] = out['value']
#Convert the dictionary to a DataFrame, automatically handles different datetime ranges (nice!)
multi_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(value_dict)
1 of 2 sites: SNOTEL:622_CO_SNTL
2 of 2 sites: SNOTEL:682_CO_SNTL
1997-03-21 00:00:00+00:00 NaN 71.0
1997-03-22 00:00:00+00:00 NaN 70.0
1997-03-23 00:00:00+00:00 NaN 69.0
1997-03-24 00:00:00+00:00 NaN 68.0
1997-03-25 00:00:00+00:00 NaN 68.0
... ... ...
2021-10-16 00:00:00+00:00 8.0 13.0
2021-10-17 00:00:00+00:00 8.0 11.0
2021-10-18 00:00:00+00:00 5.0 8.0
2021-10-19 00:00:00+00:00 NaN 8.0
2021-10-20 00:00:00+00:00 NaN 11.0

8980 rows × 2 columns

#Hack to remove bad measurements
multi_df[multi_df > 190] = np.nan

Scatterplot to compare corresponding values

multi_df.dropna().hvplot(kind='scatter', x='SNOTEL:622_CO_SNTL', y='SNOTEL:682_CO_SNTL', \
                         aspect='equal', s=1)

Determine Pearson’s correlation coefficient for the two time series

SNOTEL:622_CO_SNTL 1.000000 0.968504
SNOTEL:682_CO_SNTL 0.968504 1.000000

Highly correlated snow depth records for these two sites!